Monday, August 26, 2013

Vladimir Putin's speech of 2/4/2013

Putin’s Speech on Feb. 04, 2013
This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin.
On February 4th, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:"In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws.  If they prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law.  Russia does not need minorities.  Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'.  We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation.  The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of most minorities.  When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the national interest first, observing that the minorities are not Russians.
The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.
Something our political Correct politicians should think about.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Something to think about

This is quite interesting.  read it all the way to the end............

Wal-Mart vs. The Morons (NOT A JOKE)

This is spot-on.

1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart every hour of every day.

2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th)
than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco +
K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private
employer, and most speak English.

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep
in mind they did this in only fifteen years.

8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.

9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super
Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago.

11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at
Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)

12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart.

You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work
for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix
the economy.

This should be read and understood by all Americans? Democrats, Republicans,

To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature

It is now official that the majority of you are corrupt and ineffective:

a.. The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 237 years
to get it right and it is broke.

b.. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 77 years to get it

right and it is broke.

c.. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 74 years to get it
and it is broke.

d.. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 48 years to get it right;
$1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the
poor" and they only want more.

e.. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 47 years to
get it right and they are broke.

f.. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 42 years to get it
and it is broke.

g.. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on
foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24
billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 35 years to
get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our
throats while overspending our tax dollars.


Folks, keep this circulating. It is very well stated. Maybe it will end up
in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' (they never read anything) and
their staff will clue them in on how Americans feel.


We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness"
We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless

In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , Japan and Turkey
..And Pakistan ........previous home of Bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no extra aid nor do
they get any special breaks--nadda beyond shopping discounts...

AND Congress wants to freeze Social Security payments...

You do know that Congress voted themselves a pay raise for 2013??? Google
this--it's true!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

I woke up this morning feeling much safer

Here it is July 1st and Colorado's new gun law making high capacity magazines illegal to sell to law abiding citizens and hardened criminals. Since I am a law abiding citizen I can no longer purchase one of these items. The only problem with this law is the hardened criminals do not follow the law. Cheyenne Wyoming or Cabella's in Sidney Nebraska is only about a hundred miles away from Denver. I am sure the high capacity magazines are available there for sale.

Now, I will be sleeping more secure knowing that these evil magazines are no longer available in Colorado.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Post from one of my FaceBook friends

Thought this was clever and sadly true:
 If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you MUST show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

 If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

 If the government wants to prevent stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines that hold more than ten rounds, but gives twenty F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If, in the nation’s largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not one 24-ounce soda, because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old girl who is confined to a wheelchair can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If a seven-year-old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion, while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to provide incentives for not working, by granting 99 weeks of unemployment checks, without any requirement to prove that gainful employment was diligently sought, but couldn’t be found — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big-screen TV, while your neighbor buys iPhones, time shares, a wall-sized do-it-all plasma screen TV and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

If being stripped of your Constitutional right to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots

Friday, June 28, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I received this in an email. Interesting items.

*It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never
wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!
 *Gold is the only metal that doesn't rust, even if it's buried in the
ground for thousands of years .
*Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end .
*If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a
human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.
Each year 2,000,000 smokers, either quit smoking or
die of tobacco-related diseases.Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals.

Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers.

The song, Auld Lang Syne, is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost
every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the new year.

Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61 percent.

Peanut oil is used for cooking in submarines because it doesn't smoke
unless it's heated above 450F.

The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not
the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in
the ear.

Nine out of every 10 living things live in the ocean.

The banana cannot reproduce itself. It can be propagated only by the
hand of man.

Airports at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density.

The University of Alaska spans four time zones.

The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal itself.

In ancient Greece, tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional
proposal of marriage. Catching it meant she accepted.

Warner Communications paid $28 million for the copyright to the song
Happy Birthday.

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

A comet's tail always points away from the sun.

The Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 caused more death and illness than the
disease it was intended to prevent.

Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers, that
is why it is found in some medicines.

The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when
knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.

If you get into the bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up,
you can see stars, even in the middle of the day.

When a person dies, hearing is the last sense to go. The first sense
lost is sight.

In ancient times strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed.

Strawberries are the only fruits whose seeds grow on the outside.

Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at 167 calories per
hundred grams.

The moon moves about two inches away from the Earth each year.

The Earth gets 100 tons heavier every day due to falling space dust.

Due to earth's gravity it is impossible for mountains to be higher
than 15,000 meters.

Mickey Mouse is known as "Topolino" in Italy.

Soldiers do not march in step when going across bridges because they
could set up a vibration which could be sufficient to knock the bridge

Everything weighs one percent less at the equator.

For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight, 530 kg of excess
fuel are needed at lift-off.

The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements.

And last but not least:

This is called 'money bags'. So send this on to 5 and money will
arrive in 5 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui, the one who does not
pass this on will have money troubles for the rest of the year.

Superstitious or not, I passed this along because it is interesting information.

Smith & Wesson arming America

After reading this article, Record sales for S&W I have the impulse to comment and spread my opinion.

Why are gun sales so good even though there has recently been many tragedies lately about gun violence. In my opinion, it is not only the feeling that the government is attempting to restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of law abiding citizens. There is also a large mistrust of government has a whole. I have lost count of how many scandals or as the left wants to call them, issues, has come up lately. First it was Benghazi, then the IRS and the DOJ, following with the NSA and the Snowden issue. China and Russia have demonstrated that the US has become a paper tiger under Obama. I am sure I have left some issues out.

I speculate that many feel that it is just a matter of time before the need to have arms to protect their family is just around the corner once anarchy and or a police state smothers this country.